Don’t leave before the miracle happens

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Today I want to share with you my new strategy for The Coffee MBA.

[If you missed last week’s newsletter, you may want to check it out here.]

What it is isn’t important (though I will share that with you). I’m hoping that how I got here is helpful.

Since I decided to do this thing called “The Coffee MBA,” I’ve been listening to what other people think it is or should be.

You know how important customer / user / consumer feedback is. We need to make sure what we’re building is going to have an audience.

If I invent the coolest gadget in the world it doesn’t matter if nobody uses it.

But here’s the trick: listening to and applying feedback is only half the picture.

The other half is… we need to know our super power. We have to be crystal clear on what the inside spark is that ignites every time we do, think about, talk about a thing.

That’s the hard part.

Whenever I spoke about The Coffee MBA I felt excitement, encouragement, and inspiration. Even though the feeling was vague, I felt the sense of possibility.

Yet, I could never pinpoint where these feelings intersected my capabilities. Plus, because the need is so great, people were supportive of all my ideas.

Should it be online education? Should it be cohorts of small group masterminds? Should it be a consulting agency? One that turns into a platform of masterclass-esque courses taught by the consultants?

I was ‘shoulding’ all over myself.

The overwhelm was real. This led me to bring on a business partner at hyper-speed. Then I built a consulting agency at hyper-speed (I chose the consulting agency to masterclass pipeline).

After some roadblocks and surprises, I took a brief timeout. I realized there were a few things that weren’t right for me. I wasn’t crystal clear yet on all the details of what that meant, but I knew I needed to take action.

I needed to sit still.

To reflect, to restart in private, to get honest with myself.

Turns out, my truth was staring me in the face.

I didn’t have the courage to admit what it was, where my power sits.

Your 'most powerful direction' is where your superpower-- your super charged energy-- intersects with a market need. It’s especially strong if it sits in the middle of white space in the market.  

I realized the thread of my life and career was always education.

In fact, my sixth grade social studies teacher let me be teacher-for-a-day because he thought I had a gift. My college art history professor pushed me toward art education (I ignored her and got my degree in art history). I’ve held the role of Educator a lot in my coffee career.

So, I finally listened. I developed curriculum inspired by my favorite target audience: Ops People at coffee roasting companies.

I also decided to license it to educators around the world, á la CQI and SCA.

But then the magic happened…

My ‘a-ha’ moment came while I was in Durban, South Africa in July to speak at Creative Coffee Week. Thank you, The Coffee Magazine!

I gave a keynote about applying ‘Big Business’ principles to specialty coffee companies while maintaining your values and authenticity.

The talk was a mix of vulnerable over-sharing (my specialty) and practical ideas for how to become more ‘business-y.’

The reaction was incredible.

People were so excited about the talk, they said they felt seen and understood and they wanted more. They were hungry for more ideas on how to make the most of their careers and companies… many people asked me if I had a book!

Wow! I was so flattered, so encouraged! These people wanted to do their best and grow.

But then I got some interesting feedback…

One of my co-keynotes was excited about my business and its potential. Whenever we had a moment he’d jump into thoughts and ideas for making it a success.

The last time I saw him he pulled me aside and said, “hey, one thing… don’t bring people into this too soon. Once you license this out to other educators you lose control.”

I didn’t love this feedback.

The next morning we left for a farm trip in Eshowe to learn about South African coffee production and the Racemosa species. I sat up front with the driver, which meant I had about 2 hours of quiet time.

As I looked around at the cows (my favorite!) and the burning sugar cane, everything hit me.

The reason I didn’t love the feedback? It was uncomfortable.

Why? Because he was right.

Here are some of the toughest things I’ve ever admitted to myself.

This has literally only happened in the past couple of weeksI’m not joking about how hard this was:

  1. People like learning from me because I’m me.

  2. People want to connect with me, and I want to connect with them.

  3. I have an ability to make people feel good.*

*For this one I have actual proof. My ex followed some elderly ladies out of a lecture I gave at an art museum about Hermann Barr and Austrian Expressionism. He overheard them saying, “I liked her. She made me feel good.”

Okay, so if these things are true, if this is where my superpower is, why am I bringing other people into the equation?


I’m scared to admit that these things could be true.

I’m scared of what you’ll think of me if I admit these things are true.

I’m scared it won’t work.

So time after time after time after time I dilute my impact. Because I’m scared of the truth.

My latest business venture-- the August 2024 version of The Coffee MBA-- is about something different:

Authentic connection with coffee audiences for better business.

I can’t have a co-founder, because this business is personal.

It’s about me connecting with you.

The same is true for licensing my content. I’m not connecting with you if someone else is teaching the curriculum!

[Caveat: I love collaborating. I’ll be looking to work with people who create their own stuff, so they get to stand in their power. More to come on that…]

So, I invite you to get honest with yourself. Like, the scary kind of honest.

Admit the thing (even if only to yourself and on a piece of paper to start) that you are struggling to see and say out loud.

For some of my friends, it’s been that they need to close their business.

For other friends, it’s been that they need to show up more in their current role.

Another had to leave her country behind to stand independently.

Your truth is nobody else’s.

This is an inside job.

But the world needs what you uniquely have to offer. If you don’t admit it and eventually take action, you’re robbing us of your gift.

Don’t be so selfish! ;)

Okay, left turn…

If you are in or near Texas and want to know about something special I have planned in Austin at the end of October, reach out to me! I’ll tell you all about what’s in store.

And guess what, it’s totally aligned with my new vision for The Coffee MBA!

Here’s a super secret sneak peek…

Music to my ears…

Here’s what I’m listening to… My ex-husband Tonx (buy his coffee!) gave me my first listen to this set from DJ Shadow. Though it was first featured on the BBC, I’m pretty sure it was actually made for me. Part 2 is an incredible Psych Rock blend that now makes me think of driving north of Point Reyes, California.

I had completely forgotten about it, but happily rediscovered it this week.

(btw… Part 1 is also amazing)


Connect the Dots: Business Strategies for Coffee People


Who else needs a refresh?