TCMBA #22 - Perform Better than 48% of Business Leaders

Perform Better than 48% of Business Leaders

I don’t mean to scare you.

But it’s that time of the year.

If you haven’t already, now is the time to plan your plan.

To put a strategic planning session on your calendar in Q4 for 2024.

Don’t just listen to me. Take it from the Harvard Business School! They state that…

“48% of leaders spend less than one day per month discussing strategy.” and that “48% of all organizations fail to meet at least half of their strategic targets.”

How’s that for symmetry?

Strategic planning is one of the best things you can do for your business. Here’s why:

Build a unified vision of the future. 

Ever hear the phrase “rowing in the same direction?” That’s what strategic planning does. It helps leaders get feedback on the end goal, get buy-in from the team, and communicate with clarity where you want to be by the end of the year.

The beauty of this is that the team knows how to make decisions day in and day out. They are clear on how to do their job because they know what goal they’re working toward. 

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you empower your team to lock arms and run toward the finish line.

Filter out the flaws. 

When we’re forced to say something out loud or to write it down, we have to take the time to craft and communicate our thoughts.

The scary part? It opens us up to feedback.

The awesome part? It opens us up to feedback.

It also gives you the opportunity to acknowledge any biases you or the team have. Here are some examples:

Confirmation Bias - surround yourself with people who think differently.

Commitment Bias - an outside perspective can help us get honest.

Bikeshedding - we need accountability!

Ambiguity Effect - get used to walking into the unknown.

Inertia Bias - kill the preciousness of “that’s how we’ve always done it.”

When you have to defend, support, and flesh out your thinking, you always get to a more solid place (especially when tackling your biases). By working through goals and ideas with your team or with an expert, the company can breathe a sigh of relief because the system can be trusted. 

Witness your progress

You can only analyze how you’re performing when there’s a benchmark, a goal, or some kind of data.

If you write down, communicate, and work toward a clear goal? Then you’re able to track your progress toward it. Especially when you break them down into smaller bites like quarterly goals that track toward the bigger year-end goal. 

But here’s a warning: don’t get so committed to your goals and your progress that you fall right back into your biases. 

Adjust as necessary, but do make progress!

If you want better than a 48% chance of succeeding, you gotta dig in a little deeper!

Want to do this but feel a bit overwhelmed? 

I get it! You’ve got a lot on your plate.

Taking the time out to reflect and plan feels like a lot. Especially when someone (like you) has to do all the work to plan and coordinate!

Remember: only 48% of leaders do this regularly and 48% fail on at least half of their goals. This is your opportunity to make the changes you know are necessary.

That’s why I want to help. I want you to get there. 

It’s so tough to organize the whole team, make the plan, create the materials, lead them through the strategy, then break down the actions. I know from years of experience!

That’s why I’m sharing my years of experience and countless strategy sessions with YOU!

There are three ways to invest in this limited time offer (2023 is going fast, right?!).

Click the button below to explore all three.

Get the clarity and tools you need to help you have a successful 2024 without having to craft it all yourself.

Don’t let another year slip by without achieving your true goals and vision!

Does someone you know need to read this? Please share so they can make 2024 an awesome year for their business.

If you have questions, you can always send me a message!

Bye for now!


When you’re ready for help, here’s how we can work together:

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn for more free content.

  2. Craft your own Strategy Session for 2024.

  3. Need deeper support? Work with me 1:1.

  4. Want a speaker for your event? Learn more here.


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