Spark something.

Miranda Caldwell is a veteran specialty coffee expert and business consultant igniting innovative ideas in the global coffee community. With transformative insights, Miranda empowers the industry to embrace creativity, drive change, and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Celebrated for sparking actionable ideas, she fosters sustainable growth and innovative excellence. Invite Miranda to your event and witness the transformational power of innovation in specialty coffee. Her 2023 speech at Re:co Symposium exploring mass customization in specialty coffee inspired action from coffee producers and coffee roasters alike.

Miranda’s topics include:

Crafting Irresistible Brands: Product Marketing for Specialty Coffee

Driving Progress: Embracing Innovation Pipelines in the Specialty Coffee Industry

Connecting the Dots: Uniting Marketing Strategies and Green Coffee Procurement

Scaling Success: Embracing Multinational Business Strategies for Small Businesses

Customized topics and talks also available.

Watch Miranda at Re:co Symposium

In April, 2023 Miranda spoke about how the specialty coffee industry could use mass customization to inject higher profitability into their businesses.

“That was so inspiring! I can’t wait to get home and try that in my business.”

— Re:co attendee