TCMBA #8 - Your Coffee Business Needs a Vision

Today we're gonna make sure you have a crystal clear business vision. This will give you the best odds of reaching your goals.

Many coffee companies say, “Yeah, of course I have a business vision.” But when you ask their team what it is?

Either they shrug and don’t know OR everyone says something a little different.

So why is this a problem?

Who cares if everyone can recite the business vision perfectly?

If you can’t roll it off in a second and your team can’t either, chances are you’re not communicating it to your customers.

Please indulge me in a little analogy…

Petit Four or Porridge?

That’s the difference between the haves and the have nots (of business visions).

A petit four is meant to be perfect and clean on the outside with vibrant flavors and delicate textures on the inside.

How does it get like that?

Clear planning, then exacting execution.

Porridge is “anything goes.”

You can throw just about anything into the pot. Too much liquid? Just cook it longer. Not enough going on? Throw in another handful of raisins or chopped nuts.

While this flexibility is its beauty, it’s also the nightmare.

If you loved your porridge on Monday, how do you recreate it on Tuesday?

The perfect pot of mush is hard to create unless you approach it like a petit four: with clear planning, then exacting execution.

There’s a theme here: Know where you’re going.

And once you arrive: Know how you got there.

According to research by Accenture:

64% of global consumers find brands that actively communicate their purpose more attractive.

71% of consumers prefer buying from companies that align with their values.

How do your customers know your values if your team doesn’t know? If you aren’t clear? Your business vision should be embedded in everything you do. It is the Touchstone of your product, your team, your decision-making.

So is your business vision well-crafted or is it mush?

Either way, it may be time to revisit it.

Set aside time with a few folks to start crafting your vision. And when you think you have it down, share it ALL THE TIME. It takes people hearing something seven times, seven different ways to really hear it and know it.

So if you feel like you’re repeating yourself? That’s great.

Keep going!

When you’re ready for help, here’s how we can work together:

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn for more free content.

  2. Access weekly group coaching in The Coffee MBA Community.

  3. Need deeper support? Work with me 1:1.

  4. Want a speaker for your event? Reach out to discuss.


TCMBA #9 - What Your Coffee Customers DON’T Want


TCMBA #7 - Creating an Innovation Pipeline in Specialty Coffee