TCMBA #14 - Automation in Your Coffee Business

Hey Coffee Friends!

Here’s the final (and admittedly belated) email recapping Re:co and SCA.

Let’s talk automation!

As a reminder, here were my top three take-aways from the events in Portland. (If you missed my last two emails, you can find them here and here)

  1. Consumer-Focus

  2. The Middle-Ground of Coffee

  3. Automation

But first, let me tell you why I’m freaking out!

I’m finally launching my community!

I want YOU to leave behind the daily grind and tap into the joy of living. Coffee brings us, and so many people, this joie de vivre.

Let’s reclaim it by finding freedom through financial stability, personal and professional growth, and community.

You’ll get:

✅ Weekly group coaching calls with me!

✅ Early and discounted access to online courses!

✅ Workshops from experts in finance, leadership, LinkedIn and more!

✅ Roundtables to learn from one another’s experience!

✅ Downloadable templates for managing your business!

✅ Monthly Product Critiques to watch and learn from!

✅ A safe space where you can engage with other coffee folks who want to do things differently!

AND… all of you amazing newsletter subscribers get a discount on your first month or two free months when paying annually.

Okay, onward to automation…

Let me first say that there was a literal robot arm pulling espresso shots! While it definitely drew a crowd, I’m not sure we’ll be seeing those in cafés anytime soon!

Here are just a few automation highlights from submissions to Best New Product Awards:  

La Marzocco Wally - Automatic milk steamer.

Cropster Brew Beacon - Automating your volumetric espresso machine’s quality control.

Franke A400 Fresh Brew - Commercial machine that’s consumer facing.

CPI COTI - Illy vending machine!

Latte Art Factory’s Latte Art Factory Bar Pro - The name feels like a bit of a misnomer. It creates microfoam in milk suitable for latte art, it doesn’t actually make the latte art for you!

Meticulous Espresso - At-home robotic lever machine!

Morning Machine - Capsule machine that allows roasters to design the brew parameters.

Rubasse Near Infra-Red Fully Auto Coffee Roasters - The name sorta speaks for itself!

Here’s what I’m noticing about these products:

  1. They’re automating (duh!).

  2. They’re providing a better consumer experience.

  3. They’re putting businesses back in the driver’s seat.

The specialty coffee industry I grew up in was obsessed with manual everything because it allowed us to have “control” over all parameters.

-> Stop the shot when it looks right (don’t weigh it).

-> Use a V-60 and a kettle to manually control the water and extraction.

-> Hand-fill all coffee bags.

-> “Feel” the roast.

The results? Really high labor costs and inconsistent products.

When you’re scrambling to DEAL, you’re not driving. You’re not composed and in control. You’re not providing amazing customer service. You don’t have the bandwidth to review quality.

So yes, you guessed it, all this automation leads back to a better consumer experience.

All roads lead to coffee drinkers.

This might just be my new mantra!

Now, I’ll admit, automation can feel expensive.

But do the math on the payback. [There’s a downloadable payback calculator template in my community 😉]

Investing in the Cropster Brew Beacon? Calculate the labor and waste you’ll save and when those savings pay back the cost.

Looking at the La Marzocco Wally? You no longer have to have an extra person on bar. Calculate the labor savings and consider your new throughput capabilities. Then, try to drive that extra business through the doors.

Coffee drinkers want consistent products.

They want a fast and friendly experience.

There’s nothing wrong with outsourcing a little of the labor and attention to detail to give them what they want.

Happy automating!

Hope to see you in The Coffee MBA Community!


When you’re ready for help, here’s how we can work together:

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn for more free content.

  2. Access weekly group coaching in The Coffee MBA Community.

  3. Need deeper support? Work with me 1:1.

  4. Want a speaker for your event? Reach out to discuss.


TCMBA #15 - Coffee Business Model Innovation


TCMBA #13 - The Middle Ground of Coffee