TCMBA #24 - Best Innovation at HOST Milano
Miranda Caldwell Miranda Caldwell

TCMBA #24 - Best Innovation at HOST Milano

This innovation seen at HOST Milano 2023 could fundamentally change the coffee industry. Find out why this made Miranda’s jaw hit the floor when she realized what it was.

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TCMBA #15 - Coffee Business Model Innovation
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #15 - Coffee Business Model Innovation

Choosing a business model is one of the most creative things you can do for your specialty coffee business. Here’s what you need to consider when choosing or retooling your business model. Are you a café? Roastery? E-commerce or wholesale coffee business? We’ll talk about figuring out what’s right for you.

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TCMBA #14 - Automation in Your Coffee Business
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #14 - Automation in Your Coffee Business

The specialty coffee industry I grew up in was obsessed with manual everything because it allowed us to have “control” over all parameters. But the new generations are celebrating automation. Here’s what it can do for you and your business.

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TCMBA #13 - The Middle Ground of Coffee
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #13 - The Middle Ground of Coffee

As an industry, specialty coffee has been obsessed with micro-lots and super-specialty quality for way too long. We need to find the intersection between what is good for coffee farmers and what consumers want.

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TCMBA #10 - How to Name Your Coffee Product
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #10 - How to Name Your Coffee Product

Stop confusing your customers and help them make decisions faster. Name your coffee products well by considering your coffee drinker’s needs. The answer is more simple than it sounds. Here’s how to get started.

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TCMBA #9 - What Your Coffee Customers DON’T Want
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #9 - What Your Coffee Customers DON’T Want

Want an increase in revenue for your specialty coffee business? Improve your customer experience. Let’s dig into how your customer’s decision fatigue is hurting your sales and what you can do to change it.

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TCMBA #7 - Creating an Innovation Pipeline in Specialty Coffee
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #7 - Creating an Innovation Pipeline in Specialty Coffee

We need to talk about committing to Innovation in the specialty coffee industry so that the flow of new ideas and action plans can continue. Every company needs an Innovation Pipeline. Read on to figure out your process and commit to repeating it, so the specialty coffee industry can enjoy a stream new products and services long into the future.

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TCMBA #6 - Paradigm Innovation in Specialty Coffee
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #6 - Paradigm Innovation in Specialty Coffee

I believe the future of the coffee industry will be built by a community. It will be built by the people who didn't fit in before and have incredible new ideas for what could be. These people will create a Paradigm shift for the entire specialty coffee industry. How? Read on.

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TCMBA #5 - Position Innovation in Specialty Coffee
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #5 - Position Innovation in Specialty Coffee

Position Innovation can be the key that unlocks your coffee business’s full potential! It is when you change the perception of your product or service. It can be that you’re changing the context in which it’s introduced or you’re addressing an entirely new audience. Read on to learn why you would innovate the positioning of your products and services.

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TCMBA #3 - Product Innovation in Specialty Coffee
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #3 - Product Innovation in Specialty Coffee

We often think we need to be inventors or engineers in order to have innovative ideas, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We just need to know where to look. Can you determine what you're uniquely good at (your competitive advantage)? Can you watch and listen to others?

Great, then you can innovate in your specialty coffee business!

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TCMBA #2 - The Real Crisis in Coffee
Josh Caldwell Josh Caldwell

TCMBA #2 - The Real Crisis in Coffee

We don’t have a price crisis, we have an innovation crisis. It’s time for specialty coffee to start taking the reins. To be creative, strategic, and think from the perspective of consumers. Look to Keurig… they may have the answers.

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