TCMBA #6 - Paradigm Innovation in Specialty Coffee

This is the fifth of a six-part series about innovation, but it's the last innovation type we’ll talk about.

It’s also the hardest to come by and the most impactful to the world…

Paradigm Innovation!

Paradigm Innovation is about fundamentally changing the way we sell, work, and live. We don’t have to look far to find the best examples: iPhone, motorized cars, electricity. You know, the big ones!

On the coffee side, I think you could include large-scale batch coffee roasters as a Paradigm Innovation.

Let’s think more about this.

The first patent for a commercial roasting machine was in England in 1824. Before then, people roasted their coffee at home!

Consumers continued to roast at home because it was quick and easy. Why would they pay more money for coffee that’s already roasted? It just didn’t make sense! Why give up control and cheap access?

Then, two things happened:

  1. Commercial machines improved coffee quality.

  2. In 1864, Arbuckle Brothers created the one pound bag of coffee.

The market started changing.

Can you imagine where we’d be today if the inventors created a better roasting machine for home use instead of a commercial roaster?

This is the beauty of Paradigm Innovation.

One important invention is the catalyst for others. And as that snowballs it creates an entirely new ecosystem.

Commercial coffee roaster ➡️ one pound bag.
iPhone ➡️ apps.

Commercial roasters + one pound bags…
… led to new ways of selling and buying coffee, leading to changes in supply chain, new operations for cafés, new quality expectations, new jobs, etc.

iPhone + apps…
…led to a new way of engaging with the world and technology because one small phone can suddenly take the place of multiple information outlets (weather, calculator, compass, banking, sending funds, communicating with the world, doing business).


You’re probably saying to yourself the same thing I am, “but I’m not the next Steve Jobs.”
Me neither!

So what do we do with this idea of Paradigm Innovation in coffee?

We think about.
We talk about it.
We dream up a new future for coffee.

We don’t need to live like it’s 1864 anymore.

Let’s celebrate the amazing technology we have available to us.
Let's create a community around building our potential future.

These paradigm shifts started with readiness and a single invention. The innovators and early adopters were ready for something new. Inventors started (keyword here) with one roaster, then others continually worked to improve it.

Then, another type of brain— a marketer/businessperson— saw the opportunity to create a standard size that allowed for branding.

A product was born.

So here’s how you can start...

If you don’t have ideas yet?
Start talking to people. Seasoned professionals, the newest of new barista, customers and the coffee-passionate, idea-people from other industries.

Sharing ideas without fear, with curiosity and an explorer’s heart may bring something interesting to the surface.

Once you have ideas?
Start talking about them. Test them (at least through conversation) with customers, friends, colleagues, other business leaders. Add new ideas to the stew you’re cooking.

If an idea or theme keeps popping up and you think you’ve landed on something, you have three choices:

  1. Do nothing 🙁

  2. Start building 🔨

  3. Give it to someone else to build 🤝

If you’re already a business owner, you’ve done this before! No need to be scared!

The difference between initiating Paradigm Innovation and starting a business is the community. For your existing business, you could likely keep everything tidy within the eco-system you’ve built.

To practice Paradigm Innovation, you’ll need to bring in new minds to see, from their perspective, what this idea opens up, what else could be built.

Divergent thinking here!

Maybe you and I aren’t Steve Jobs, but someone you know might be. Invite them into the conversation.

I believe the future of the coffee industry will be built by a community. By the people who didn't fit in before, and have incredible new ideas for what could be. 

Let's start sharing!

If you need someone to share your ideas with, come and find me! I'll happily listen. 

When you’re ready for help, here’s how we can work together:

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn for more free content.

  2. Access weekly group coaching in The Coffee MBA Community.

  3. Need deeper support? Work with me 1:1.

  4. Want a speaker for your event? Reach out to discuss.


TCMBA #7 - Creating an Innovation Pipeline in Specialty Coffee


TCMBA #5 - Position Innovation in Specialty Coffee